Keto Grinder - John Somsky's keto blog, representing Minnesota keto.
Native Keto Man - Kevin M's blog about a native American from Minnesota exploring Keto.
Keto Adapted Maria Mind Body Health - Maria Emmerich's blog full of recipes.
Healthful Pursuit - Leanne Vogel's blog
Livin La Vida Low Carb - Jimmy Moore's blog
Low Carb Yum - Lisa, a former software engineer, has ablog full of great recipes.
All Day I Dream About Food - Carolyn Ketchum's blog focusing on gluten free keto.
KetoDiet Blog - Martina Slajerova's blog - Craig Clarke's website and blog
Ketovangelist - It started as Brian Williamson's blog, but is now a blog for the Ketovangelist brand.
I Breath I'm Hungry - Mellissa Sevigny's blog
Appetite For Energy - Anna Mazlin’s and Abbie Brooks blog (here’s a 30 day start link)
Many of the resources on this page were copied from the Ketogenic Forums.