Due to some household flooding I’m canceling this meetup. See you in September.
NOTE: This meeting will be live at the Eden Prairie Library in Eden Prairie.
The next meetup will be held Saturday, August 6, 2022 at the Eden Prairie Library in Eden Prairie in the Green Foxtail Room 137.
We’ll have lots of ad hoc discussion, but we also have an agenda to give us a little structure.
9:30 AM – Small talk while people get settled
9:40 AM – Introductions
Introduction question: What is a recent ketogenic success or what brings you here today?
10:00 AM – Announcements
Next Meetups
September 3 - Brookdale Library
October 1 - Location TBD
November 5 - Location TBD
Book Club
None planned
10:10 AM – Recipe / Treats
None Planned
10:20 AM – Main Topics
Main Topics - None planned
Additional topics generated during discussion.
11:20 AM – Volunteers / Suggestions for next meeting story / recipe / topic
11:30 AM – Chat until you are ready to leave.
Be sure to sign up at meetup.com to reserve your place.