November 3, 2018 Meetup Scheduled

The next meetup will be on Saturday November 3 at Plymouth Library from 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM in the Plymouth Meeting Room.


We’ll have lots of ad hoc discussion, but we also have an agenda to give us a little structure.


9:30 AM – Small talk while people get settled
9:40 AM – Introductions
                - Introduction question: What is a recent keto success?
10:00 AM – Announcements
                - Updates for a mini Ketofest.
              - Next Meetups
10:10 AM – Treats
                - Recipe - Mary Jo (Bone Broth)
              - Share keto treats if any (none required, but feel free to share if desired)
10:20 AM – Main Topics
                 - My Keto Story - Amy
Main Topic - How do we talk about Keto with people who don’t agree with Keto approach? Or how do you explain Keto to those are are asking? How do you avoid being an annoying? Where do you stop and leave them to try?
                 - Additional topics generated during discussion.

11:20 AM – Volunteers / Suggestions for next meeting story / recipe / topic
11:30 AM – Small talk until you are ready to leave.


Be sure to signup on if your are interested in coming.