We are continuing to use Zoom, which is free to download, for our online meetups. For now meetups will include some online events and some that return to library meeting rooms.
The next meetup will be held Saturday, November 6, 2021 using zoom at the following URL https://www.meetup.com/Minnesota-Ketonians/events/281470368/ from 9:30 to 11:30 AM followed by a book club starting ten minutes after the conclusion of the meeting.
9:30 AM – Small talk while people get settled
9:40 AM – Introductions
Introduction question: What is a recent ketogenic success or what brings you here today?
10:00 AM – Announcements
Next Meetups
December 4 - Online
January 1 - Online
February 5 - Location TBD
Book Club
Book club will conclude after this meetup.
Book - Atomic Habits by James Clear
We will discuss the first two sections ("The Fundamentals" and "The First Law", about 100 pages, in paperback)
10:10 AM – Recipe / Treats
Recipe Walkthru - None
10:20 AM – Main Topics
Keto Story - None planned
Main Topics - None planned
Additional topics generated during discussion.
11:20 AM – Volunteers / Suggestions for next meeting story / recipe / topic
11:30 AM – Small talk until you are ready to leave.
11:40 AM - Book Club
Book - Atomic Habits by James Clear
We will discuss the first two sections ("The Fundamentals" and "The First Law", about 100 pages, in paperback)
Be sure to sign up at meetup.com to reserve your place.